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Brain Tanned Adult Doe Hide (Section)


Handmade - Traditionally Brain Tanned - Smoked Deer Hide


This hide comes from Southern Georgian Bay, Lake Huron!


*All areas of the hide are soft all the way through*


This piece is 2/3rds of a larger doe hide 


This smoked hide was made through many hours of skilled labour. No electric tools were used in the process,  Every step was done by hand, thoughtfully, carefully. 


This hide is traditionally tanned; loosely meaning that this hide was tanned naturally, through indigenous teachings passed on for generations, putting traditional knowledge into practice. 


Unlike commercially tanned hides, this hide has not undergone any chemical treatments whatsoever.


This hide also has natural imperfections such as;

-Stretch marks & veins on one side that show the growth of the deer throughout their lifespan,

-Holes from harvesting, skinning and the hide tanning process

-Slight variation in colour


This hide is perfectly imperfect and holds potent medicine and scent of smoke!






-the average size of this hide is 32 inches long x 32 inches wide

-7.11 square feet 

-The length and width varies depending on the area; in other words, the shape is not a consistent rectangle (as seen in photos);

-the hide is wider/ longer in some areas than others (as seen in photos)



-The price of the hide is determined by square footage

-This hide is valued at $78 / square foot 

-Price per square footage is determined by the quality of the hide; size, thickness, softeness, holes, imperfections

-Although this section of hide is of a higher price value, due to the amount of small holes, this hide is valued as such

-There are many large sections of this hide without any holes


Holes: (As seen in photos)

-This hide has 12 small holes that are the size of a dime coin:

2 cm (L) x 2 cm (W) (or smaller)

-3 holes: 3.5 cm (L) x 3.5 cm (W)

-2 holes: 2.5 cm (L) x 2.5 cm (W)

- 8 Slits: 10 cm (L) x 1 mm (W) or smaller 


*Additional photos of the hide can be provided upon request.


Hide tanned by Hunter Cascag in 2019



*Please contact Hunter at

Brain Tanned Deer Doe Hide

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